After a stellar launch in September of 2012, we are making great progress in developing the LCGA as a working research archive. As most of you know, we are incorporated as a 501c3 nonprofit foundation so that all contributions are tax deductible. In addition to the web site, we have a Facebook page. Please like us on Facebook! Over the course of the past two years many boxes of books and files have been unpacked with every item catalogued as we continue to create a master inventory of our holdings. We are in the process of designing storage and workspace to accommodate materials once they have entered the inventory. For both the optimum preservation of material and efficient data management, it is important that we acquire proper shelving and storage cabinets. Another initiative is the restoration of Lydia’s computer so that we can access the manuscripts stored on her hard drive. We are consulting with academic media specialists in developing a plan for the eventual digitization of our works on paper.
Much effort has been devoted to writing grants for current and future development. We have submitted or are in the process of applying for grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, and the Boris Lurie Art Foundation. Individual contributions for the support of the Archives are always welcome and received with much appreciation and gratitude.
In addition to building a research bank, we would like to create programs that relate to Lydia’s scholarly interests in Picasso and modern art. To that end, we met in New York with a representative from Checkerboard Films about hosting the premiere of a film currently in production about LCGA board member and Picasso biographer John Richardson. The film tells the story of Richardson’s friendship with the artist and his subsequent role as Picasso’s biographer. Its screening may present a wonderful fundraising opportunity. This summer, we are in the midst of planning our festive biannual fundraiser to be held on Saturday, September 20 at Les Yeux du Monde Gallery. Entitled The Banquet Years, we will celebrate Lydia in the spirit of Picasso’s legendary banquet of 1908 for his friend, the painter Henri Rousseau by hosting a dinner and art auction with works by Lydia’s artist friends. We hope to see all of you there!
As we move forward in organizing Lydia’s research and planning for its publication, we are energized, inspired, and sustained by the enthusiasm and support of all of you.